Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How Your Perspective Affects Your Attitude

Did you know that the difference between success and failure is often determined by the way you look at it? Take for instance a product or service that never got off the ground. A failed idea could be considered an investment failure from the standpoint of a new product launch. Or it could be considered a great opportunity from the perspective that a better and more marketable version can be created. It all depends on how you look at it.
In fact, many times personal tragedies and failed ideas have become the launch pad for new focus and determination vs. a reason for depression and defeat. Again, perspective is the determining factor. This is because perspective is the lens through which you see life. It's how you view your experiences as they are occurring.
Given all of the input you're receiving, the attitude that you have while you're receiving this input makes a difference.

When faced with a challenge, do you...
Choose to view it negatively and allow yourself to be sidelined (even temporarily)?
See it as an opportunity to change your focus or way of doing things?
It's important to understand that attitude and perspective go hand-in-hand.
Your perspective is something that you decide. But your attitude is also something that you can decide. And both of these can be adjusted and even changed by you at any time. You can decide whether or not your current perspective is serving you well or not. Basically, your perspective is your opinion of what you're experiencing.
The reason it's important that you understand this is because your perspective will affect or even determine the attitude you have; and your attitude will drive your behavior.
For instance, say you're in a "fear of the unknown" perspective. You can either have the attitude that you're too uncomfortable with the fear, therefore won't go outside of your comfort zone in order to try something out. (In this case, your perspective and attitude are keeping you from taking a risk and going for it.) OR you can remain in fear of the unknown perspective but have an attitude of excitement, determination, and going for it anyway.
As an entrepreneur, it's vital that you realize that you can DECIDE whether to remain in the perspective you're in or change it. When you realize that you have the power to control your perspective about something and your attitude toward it, you will shift your energy in a positive way and it will ultimately affect how you show up in your business and in your life.
So, take a moment to evaluate the perspective you're in and the attitude that's resulting from your current perspective. Determine if your perspective is helpful or not, and what it is that your perspective is trying to tell you. From this vantage point, you can take control and make the decision to stick with your current perspective or change it.
This is 100% your decision and the sooner you identify your perspective, the sooner you can shift your attitude and decide on the behavior that will best serve you and those around you.
Author: Angelina Campos is the founder of Own Your Ambition, formerly Campos Coaching. Known for her amazing insight and natural knack for understanding, she has the unique ability to help others discover and focus on their untapped potential to create otherwise unimaginable success in business. Visit to schedule an appointment with Angelina.
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