Sunday, July 14, 2013

Is Social Media Good For Charitable Organizations?

Social media has taken the world by storm. It exists in almost every facet of our lives. It empowers the business world, our personal lives and it can also be used to empower the world of philanthropic giving, but there are too many unanswered questions that most organizations have.
     Where do you begin?
     Which social network has the best results?
     How often should you post to these services?      
     What type of content should you be posting?       
     What achieves the best results?

These are the most common questions that come up when it comes time to launch your social media fundraising efforts. You may need the help of a fundraising consulting firm to find the answers to these questions, but here are some tips that will point you in the right direction.

Become Part of Your Campaign
Social media is popular because it is a lot like a conversation. It gives people and organizations a chance to connect, but many organizations don't become an active part of their social media campaigns. Make sure you respond to questions and comments regularly.

Be Real and Personal
This goes right along with being active. People love when an organization is personal and true to their beliefs. They love making a connection with an authentic person. Be that person that represents your organization.

Sharing Is Good
Sharing information, images, ideas and thoughts is what social media is all about. The right piece of information can spread very quickly. Encourage your followers to share the information that you are posting with subtle calls to action like:
     tell your friends       
     share with others     
     help spread the word

Utilizing the right approach towards social media can make a huge difference in the goals of your organization. Encourage every member of your organization to become part of the social media campaign and watch your organization grow.


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